Shadowlight Returns :: The Light Beyond The Shadows 2.3b The Light beyond the Shadows: 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Exodus ~End of the Southern Front Tour of Duty~

And so we sail back to the imperial motherland under the cover of night and snow,
The Exodus from the northern ridges did come with a steep price,
Almost unbearable to some ,as generations of history, pride and hard fought homes that were soaked I blood and tears were all lost .

"The lucky ones were the ones who were let go" said a fellow knight subtlely meaning those that did not make it.

The Southern front has alwas been a challenge both physically and spiritually for anyonewho would serve a tour of duty there, as for me twice.
I now make my way back to the motherland capital to receive new orders from the king. Summoned I'am ,eventhough battle still rages all over my surroundings.

So ends the Southern front tour of duty, the second war I fought there.
Yet the War continues, but the fight is no longer my fight.

For now.......


Sunday, November 26, 2006


War will always be War ,
There's never any real rest till the war is over,
Even then it's only rest till the next war in this troubled times.

I find myself coordinating the withdrawal or rather retreat of the remaining troops of th Botany fort. The King has deemed the cost of proecting this region from the Southern barbarians too costly in blood and the kingdom treasury.

We marched into the cold snow as we set the once battle hardened Botany fort ablaze and destroyed all building,farms and everything that the enemy may find useful to their advantages.

The long exodus of refuge has begun as everyone feared the vengeance of the barbarians after a 100 years of war.

Naturally we the Imperial Knights of Krowten weren't popular at all.
The feelings are the remiscense of the time when the once all powerful Roman Empire abandoned Britania to the onslaught of the Saxons,

My mission completed I now sail to the NorthernRidges with a handful of elite knights to help the reamining survivors of the Iwki rebellion. Albeit another province to be abandoned.

The ~War continues~ albeit the sun is setting

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Siege is Broken!!!

We were down to our last defences, we ran out of ammunition a long time ago ,we cannibalise catapults and turn them weights to reinforce doors/walls , archers used their cherish bows as clubs till they can find a blade from a fallen comrade or enemy.
Most of the soldiers that were still abled body had been continously fighting for 4 days. The enemy onslaught was unrelentless, waves after waves of enemy divisions were broken down and scattered but the enemy kept coming.

It doesn't really help if the enemy outnumbered us 10 to 1, to make matters worse the enemy have barricaded the river and severed the defenders of Melbourne castle their lifeline ,the supply ships no matter how hard they tried could not get through the barricades and sunk like a rock. Without supplies and replacement for our fallen comrades for several days, the situation is dire indeed. Half of the castle has been destroyed with the once magnificent walls and towering columns now lies in a pile debris, destroyed by war machines, the other-half was ravaged by fire. What's left is the keep with only 10% of the total number of troops that originally defended the castle.

The situation looks grim, last night after consulting the other 2 generals defending the castle, we came to a dreaded conclusion that the siege will be broken to our disfavor by sunset the next day, and the fate of the province and its citizen at the hands of the enemy brigands.
As dawn came, we were ready for the final push by the enemy, they themselves knew that we were wavering and it was only a matter of time before we were defeated.

We waited and waited.
and waited.. but they never came.

Perplexed by this changed of tempo, we sent out our only able bodied spy/scout through the sewers to perch on top a brokensiege tower. Within minutes and astonishing report came back to us, without hesitation we rallied and march the troops to the get of the castle and look into the eye of the enemy, the enemy in disarray were confused at their next course of action. The enemy Caught in the pincer movement in a triangle setting, the river, the castle and finally the much anticipated army of general Noh and Nid which came with unfathom haste once knowing we were cut off from supplies.

The enemy top generals had already left the army the day before as a pre-celebration of our defeat, leaving only junior officers to lead their army. Although still outnumbered 3 to 1 (including the reinforcement from Army Noh and Nid) the enemy can barely keep order in their camps as they expected a swift victory today.

The table have turned, the siege will be broken today but to the alliance favor. When the sun set, there was nothing left of the once mighty enemy army, there were no survivors on the ground, only a few who took the river live to tell the tale .

It's the 14th day of the Siege of UIA.
The siege has been broken.
but the battle is not over yet and neither is the war.

to be continued~
~Chronicles of the Southern Front~

Thursday, November 16, 2006

In the midst of the Heated Siege!!!

Roars of catapults , peircing swirls of bolts and the cries of men were ringing in my ear as I finally take a moment to reflect. It has been 7 days since the siege of UIA has begun. Greatly outnumbered the 4 generals and their armies of Melbourne castle heroicly defended the castle from falling into enemy hands.

Towers and fortifications were constantly loss and won back ,
Walls were destroyed and rebuilded conutless time,
Ammunition, Munition and supplies were critically low as with heavy casualty on both sides.
At a glance do one was gettin the upperhand of this war, none of the defending and attacking generals could best each other enough to turn the siege.

The only way we lasted this long were the daily ship of supplied from the Yarra river that sail in the midst of night to bring in supplies, weapons and fresh soldiers while departing with the dead, weak, wounded and dying. Even then the ships were constantly fired upon by flaming projectiles and at one point boarded by the enemy marine unit.

Alas all was not tranquil, a decisive blow was made as our head general , leader of the PRE-Armies of the coalition has taken a mortal blow leaving in the last supply ship out of the castle. Without a leader of generals , the remaining 3 generals (including moi) can only wait for the newly spirited onslaught of the enemy at dawn.

Morale were still high, for we know we can outlast the siege with our constant supply from he river. The question is can we last till then?

The trumpet bellows,
A new wave of enemy marches on with their siege machinary.
The battle continues.

~Chronicles of the 14 days siege of the UIA
LoRd ShadowLight to the Senate and royalty to the motherland

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Decisive Battle .--- yet BrRrrr Cold

We managed to out maneuver to enemy army at Adelaide , although outnumbered ,the bottle neck at the river crossing point became an advantage unfathomed.

It was a tough tedious bloody battle, but at the end of the day it was decisive.

Yet there's no rest for this epeditionary army , now we must swing back half-circle to defend melbourne castle in what would be known later as the 14 day siege of UIA.

Got to return to the castle on time and wait out the huge attacking armies amassing for the kill.

It will be a long siege,
It will be painful for the defenders (moi) but even more painful to the attackers,
It will be a glorious battle yet.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Heroic Victory,

Indeed it was a the moon turned Read and the last "Y" army was defeated in a decisive blow that laster over 15 hours of combat. , The War room commanders have initially estimated the battle to wage for 4-5 hours.

Yet we cannot yes and we are not unharmed, I myself sustained superficial injuries but the troops are rallying as we must make haste and engage the Army of "B" in the river mouth of Adelaide before they can cross and flank us.

Failing to do so will mean total destruction of the allies army.

We said to Adelaide to do battle once again,

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Before the Whistle of War blow~s~~

The covert and stealthy flight met with minor resistance and casualties through the transatlantic DMZ zone ,

I managed to reached base camp ,regroup and restock up for the long first battle of many at thE Southern front.

The situation is tense, the hours will be long , but I have good men and women in arms beside me in the scenes and behind the scenes (yes good friends indeed in startegic position).

Sweat is trickering down my cheek, and faces are pale, people are shivering just anticipating the mealstorm ahead.

Were all just waiting, waiting for the Whistle from high command to blow,
The piercing screeched will be the sign to charge head forward and do combat continously in days to come,
Do combat till we have no more ammunition,
do combat till our blades become blunt,
do combat till our food is not food.

Alas the whistle is blown,
I go to War now.


(sounds of battlefield, Radio waves has been scrambled and jammed by the enemy)

Next Status Report : Unknown

Friday, November 03, 2006

Red Alert Red Alert

Scramble All fighters I repeat, This is not a Drill, Scramble All Fighters (ala Robotech style).

As you read I'am not being deployed to engage the enemy at the Southern front,
Wish Me luck for I need it (hardest battle engaged yet in the WAR of OCSIC .

I consider myself an Ace veritech pilot/MobileSuit pilot for the SpO2L squardron , but due to exemperary battle prowess and history, I'am now being transferred to another fighter squardron, the STL3L Squadron for more dangerous and complicated missions.

Need to re-align myself, as I'm now in a Squardron of Ace-pilots , nope not the infamous Skull Squadron yet, but we shall see in the future.

"Happy Hunting " echoes in my mind.

Will be hunting!

P.s Yes Cryptic again,

Will now initiate Radio silence on the secured channel as the enemy may be monitoring transmission from this range, will update sparingly.

Over and Out

2nd Liutenant ShadowLight

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Most importantly,

I'm gonna miss my Darling GF Rei during the siege of Melbourne, no worries I shall be back from the WAR with Heroic Victories!!!!!

ok becoming a little optimistric here, but I'll just settle for a victory also ^_^
Down Once MOrEeeeeeeEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Yes in 24 hours I shall embark on my tour of duty down under to do combat on multiple fronts!!! These would be the biggest and hardest Battle (project) ever in my carreer of warfare. To make matter more complicated I'm scheduled to report to another general in the middle of battle. To make another matter worse my so called "mercenaries" are doing shit in assisting my siege of Melbourne. The incompetencies of these mercenaries (not to be mistaken as my peers/colleagues) are detrimental to the outcome of the assault.

At least to me , the only consolation I have is that I may meet up with some foreign legionaries of the old militia there and be nostalgic about previous battles fought back then.

yes it is cryptic, but that is life.

Blogging will be very delayed during my whole duration of the siege of melbourne,

Keep in contact through spies.

Centurion DaRyan Signing off