Shadowlight Returns :: The Light Beyond The Shadows 2.3b The Light beyond the Shadows: 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004

Thursday, January 29, 2004


calling Mr.vain call him Mr.Fame.

ok no i dea why i wrote thatTtTtTt can't take exam!! AGhhhhhhhhhhh the agony!! no im not insane, i don't love exams but i just want to get it over with but can't take exam. why?

bcoz dumb pc in exam room are being upgraded so can't.

so MOooooooOOOOOooooooo MOooooooOOOOooooooooooOOOOooooooooOOo
YTes I'm Da OuG cow I know what you're doing!!! I know what you're wearing!!

nyum nyum nice grass


Monday, January 26, 2004

CNY but !!!!

Ok Ok I underestimated Chinese New Year, I thought I could hit the books everynight like back in the States (Yes CNY was just another day back then), BUT
BUt I ended up going to places "pai lin" collecting ang pows, gambling, crapping and hanging out with friends and also Zzzzzzzzzzzing a lot!!
Ohh and don't forget the boozEee too.

Soooooooooo I'm like really delayed,
and when Im finally free to study ,I zonked outTtTtt.. What happened to my self-discipline which was admired by all when I was in the states?

so now I'm behind time...whumm 2 alternatives, continue to cramp and forgo everything else except work and I just might scrape through,
or delay the exam till who know when

haihHhh Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Happy CNY 2004!!!

I just want to reALLY really wish everyone and I mean Everyone!!!! EVERYONE!!! That includes!! the gal who buys me cookies (whom is my Dear GF )!! 'Daryan's Angels (Yah you (No.1) you (ah ling ling) you (cherie) you (maggie) whom are all on different separate continents! My old-classmate buddies from Sri sentosa (luv u guys), The Lexington Kentucky gang!!!! Really really miss u guys and gals (don'tm iss my Djing too much ^_^), my beloved LEO CLUB!!!!!!!

And not forgetting Da ouG gal and her Boo and also Ms.Lam in Maine or is it India now
and of course all my "older" cousins and family

a HAPPy Chinese NEW YEAR!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Sleeeppp Sleep sleeep sleeep

Need to ZZZZZZz Sleep gppd Sleep good MOoooooooooOOOOooooo

yes yes gal chickens fly above gates andsleep on trees!!! come all come once, come to OuG and see it with your own eyes (yes I should start charging for the chicken tour)

whumm gonnaaaa gooo watch LOTR:ROFK

yay yay Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz need to study

Zzzzzzzzzz Mooooooooooo zZzzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Do not fall into the Darkside

All I can say, Ladies and Gentleman , is that DO NOT FALL INTO THE DARKSIDE.

If Thou Successfully resist tempation, then thou would be in a higher plane of enlightenment,
a most honorable position of the soul indeed.

Heed my warning YE all,
Resist the Darkside, do not be suade, do not falter, do not be taken and do not fall.

The Light side may not be the easiest path but it is the BEST path. In the long run.


Monday, January 12, 2004

What can I say??

Tick ,tock ,tick ,tock,

Let's see , it felt like a very long time but actually only 2 weeks have pass, at times it felt like time actually stood still, unwavering unbudging, relentless on its will to make me dwell in limbo and it likes, but at times it was also heavenly.

Ordeals and obsstacles were present that I could never rationalize, but as time progresse sodid the trials,

and here I'am ,

a new chapter in my life,

and at current it felt like drinking the world's best champagne "Laurent-Perrier" in no.1's 21st b'day (Charley warley barley) both with Rajiv alone and during her b'day toast.

divinely Estactic

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Down We go to the prison of my mind

"Hounded out by everyone, met with hatred everywhere, no kind word from anyone, no compassion anywhere," naze doushte?

Wham Blam Got pissed off in less than 2 seconds later wham blam got pissed off ,
so one piss off + one piss off= double piss off eventhough the pssing off was pissed by 2 separate peopl in the same scenario and same ocassion.

Did anybody tell you that I can be very vengeaful to an extend it can be even terrifying? guess not right? I don't even remember whom I've unleashed my vengeance mantra on, but I'm pretty sure they suffered a lot.

I've never said I wan't evil


Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Mom fright!

guess guess what happened?
Da OuG gal came to moi house to pick me up to see Mr.S in MegaMAll but moi wasn't in, but moi mom just got back with sis and whiteboy fiance,

So mom car came in, and before electric gate can close Da OuG gal car came in, so mom freaked and thought it was some precision timing robbers who budge in to rob her,
but then out pop da Oug gal and moi (the 3rd car coming in).

So my mom was ready to force close the electric gate to stop the so called "robbers" (actually just one OuG gal), and my soon to be bro-white-inlaw was ready to use his bar fighting skills, but it was Da OuG gal

So no explanation needed,
off I entered Da OuG gal Mobile and we went to see Mr.S in megamall.

and after that crapped and gossip secrets till we felt sleepy and returned to OuG


Sunday, January 04, 2004

It's 2004

Dear 2004, now what makes 2004 so different from previous years especially 2003, well first of all in just 4 days in the new year a lot of things happen unexpectedly or rather above expectation in a strange way.

Beginning of last year I forsee myself studying for masters around this time in the middle of the annual Kentucky Blizzard in Lexington, but here I am studying for my microsoft certification back in ole Hot Malaysia and working my butt off as a System Engineer in a Kiasu firm, expect the unexpected eh?

Among other things meeting old people (as in old friends and acquaintances) in No.1's (Charl's) B'day (early) party whom I've never seen (the friends not her) for 3-5 years is truly a wonder to be amazed. In less than a second we all fitted in together like the days of yesteryears like we just met up yesterdayand never went through the 3-4 years of separation (separation as in you go study here I go study there so did not meet). Wonderful isn't it and scary as well, of course yes people change but all I can see were physical changes, some of the gals had improved on make-up practises and dressing and heck look at me from a long (to mid back hair) and colored (bluish-green streaks) to black corporate yuppie hairstyle, but of course im still as crappier and a joker as ever as were the other guys.

Yes expect the unexpected, need more sleep but need more time to studyyy