Shadowlight Returns :: The Light Beyond The Shadows 2.3b The Light beyond the Shadows: 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Feeling under because not going to down under

Ok the geek was like this, initially I was supposed to be posted in Melbourne for about a month next month of August. So I've made pre-friends with friends who are studying/working there.

But as fate would has it not only did International office politics got in the way, they cancelled my posting to Melbourne,.

But that's not all , they decided to sent me to Guam (a US island in between Phillipines and Hawaii) , South Korea and India for a month!!.

I might be on a GUAM oil-rig for 2 weeks, 2 weeks doing IT Auditing in Seoul and another 2 weeks researching and studying sites (site survey) in India.

Sounds like fun isn't it?

UgghGHgH all the work

I wonder whether I'll get sea sick on the oil rig?

Saturday, June 25, 2005


Bah is that time of the year again.

The blog thing is getting really 'Edgy' this day when my colleagues start asking me .

Hey "Why do ya blog" " Is it to be famous so? So more future VIP/Datuk can know you ? " "So you know more people to pull stings ah? " "So some CEO you know who blog will hire you if you change job ah"?

huh and here's the best:

"So some publisher company can see how good you write and hire you?"

Wait there's more

"I know I know, so you can get cyber Gf/Bf and then become bf/gf and then become future spouse!!"

bad enough?

Here's the Ultimate one

"OHhHhhh so you want people to know your daily life and thoughts because your social life is non-existent!"

PLease lah, and to think were talking about industry reknowned educated people passing me comments like this in open office discussion.

Sort of humiliate the "international" edu system to produce post-grads with comments like this.

Malu man.

Here my IMHO on blogging,

1) It shouldn't be for fame

2) You shouldn't give a FUCK! (so brand my site 18PG, dun like it "Live With IT") what people say

3) A blog is your own private blog, it should be for yourself , blog for yourself and no one else

4) If someone have a problem with your blog, asked them to have their own blog, if they don't like your blog, tell them to "Live with it" . and ask them to close their IE window

5)If they ask you to ADD their link/blog because they think your so cool and bcoz they had added your blog to link to their blog etc (like we don't know their fake "Shoe polishing technique" ), tell them " It's my blog, I choose who to add and who to don't, if you don't like it "Get Used to it" take away my link for all I care, for a blog is for ME not for YOU, if you want to be famous , adver your link in the newspapers!"

6) If they start flaming and trolling you in their blog sites or general forums, hey it's a democracy, don't be bothered. I'm not bothered whats happening out there.
I have my own life to live and time to spend. If they get a kick out of it by wasting their time and resources to defame some other person in blogs and forum, by every means, go ahead.

7) If some of them had actually have the nerved to come to you in real-life and make it personal. eg Bump into shopping complex and start bad mouthing you in front of their peers in front of you. Well go ahead, it's a Free world. I have no qualms, but if you breach the law. Then you're asking for it.

8) If someone invited you out because they think your blog is cool, by all means decline if you feel like it, heck if i go out and meet everyone who randomly chats with me in ICQ/MSN wouldn't that be dangerous/unpractical?

9) Ignorant is bliss, if someone kept on asking you to redesign your site saying that site is cooler and etc. Well "Live with it" is MY blog not yours. I decree what I want it to look like. If you don't like it "Get Used to It".

10) LAstly I'm honestly sick of "Neo Bloggers" , new bloggers who are jumping into the blogging world recently just because of all the new publicy the old or "Classical bloggers" had set and erupted in the "real " world. "Neo blogger" who just want to be famous and bask in the glory set by the classicals.
IMHO classicals who bask in their reknown fame are no different from our Neo counterparts.

It may be just an "Evolution" of blogging or I'm just a conservative classical blogger or both. But who is to defined the history of blogging ? define the classical and Neo bloggers? deffinitely I don't have the rights, but who does anyway? and who decreed and empowered that person too in the first place? and if so what rights does the person has to such an empowerment? The famous bloggers in the limelight of the magazines and newspaper? the classicals? the Neos? God?

This may sound like a contradiction, but "I dont care", debate all you will or go to War.

Just leave me be in the Shadows together with any fellow classicals who had not evolved.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

International Humiliation

Note : Names had been modified to protect myself and the people involved.

It was 7.00 am Malaysian time and I'm in office. This is the monthly global team update for my cross-country division, this time I'm chairing the meeting.

(In a meeting room using Audio conference)

SL : Hi SL here (Me) from Malaysia, Hi guys and Gals!

Matt : Matt from Houston here and it's getting dark
Ray : Ray from New York and it's pouring!
Duncan : Aye Duncan from London and I have no idea of the weather as usual
Komatsu : Ohaiyo, Komatsu san, Osaka,
Hoi Ming : Hoi Ming, Hong Kong here
Titus : Titus from Kiasu land (not the first time he used that term so the International team knows it is Singapore)
SL : Ok everyone, if you checked your e-mail and open the attachment you can see the analyst of the bandwidth utilization is...

Ray: Excuse me SL but I don't see the analyst pointing to your conclusion??

SL : Whumm what do you mean

Titus : Well your attachment analyst from the Wall street Journal said that oil-stocks will rise in the next quarter or soo...

Komatsu san : really?

SL :aGHgHghGhgHGHHHghGHgHgHg (thank god it is just an audio conference as the managers were using the video conference room, if not my face would have been redder than a tomato).

Thank you so much Harry and Telsra for sharing the analyst, now the whole team knows. And it's all my doind


Humiliation makes one humble, especially since I have no country to hide my face, well except the moon or mars ahahahaah

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Short one

Aiya What's with this blog hype lah? It's been around for almost half a decade or more. Now only going on to the sportslight of the "motherland" . plz lah.

Like an underdog waiting to be fed, I sometimes feel it is just all crap.
so clap with me ! and mayde the dog will sit on my lap!

Ah crap and more crap,

p/s Give lah something better ,if not I'll think of "hopping" again.

pp/s The question is whether you can sustain that amount of return consistently for the next 50 years!?

pks/ Yes I know ,you "guys " have grown up ,from the cyber cafe era, but talking about getting rich by accepting "kopi o" is very tempting indeed. Indeed.
especially for construction engineers,

hint hint , kepong expressway and parliament roof!

yes hint hint from guy dad who did the first singapore expressway.

Ah govt conspiracies, we all like it.

3 cheers for parents who plays golf with 'Justa' class govt officers, I know 2 of us has.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Wacky pck part 2!! Yeah My hand is through the table wood wall! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Daryan Wacky Photo part 1.  Posted by Hello

Monday, June 13, 2005

Prudent thing to do.

Yes Yes dearies, I know it is the more prudent thing to do .
Which is not to think too much nor speculate.
In thinking too much and speculatin = ASSUME.
Which is typically Making an "Ass" of "U" and "ME".

So but the other lefties believe that without thorough thought and forcasting probable scenarios of the future, one would just be walking blind-folded in a misty mountain (Now what does misty got to do with it when your already blind-folded is beyond me!?).

Which means, you're not thinking before you leap, or your planning to fail.

So which school of thoght are you from?


Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I got this from one of my colleague Blog site! Yes you'll be suprised what you can find by just "googling" your bosses. Posted by Hello

FYI: She happened to be one of my friends ,friends, Ah small world it is isn't it Happy Cat.

Happy Cat (Yes the cat in the pic) : meowWZzzzwwZzz
Now on to the Blog

There maybe side modification here and there in the later days but anyway.
Now on to the real thing:

A little cyber conversation with a young Virgoan Down under let me to believe that Me+Office politics+Over cramp social life with Club/Org/Little sister (yes little sisters are demanding)+unrealistic ideology +and over active thinking brain/mind (what's left of it after 2 years of swimming in Whiskey in the states) +not being able to let go (Smart people you know what I'm talking about, I'm such a sucker when old feelings resurfaced)+ Overly high expectation of myself + Too many head-shots (given not taken) and Kills in DOTA (Defender of the ancients in Warcraft 3)+ Lack of sleep due to study and Work.

Equals to : Quoted from the Assuntarian gal "One very fuck up Daryan"

Applaus ladies and gentleman.

My life is screwed in more way than I think it is.
But always remember , thats what my teach used to say, "There's always someone more f*ck up than you, just read the newspaper or CNN news"

Very true indeed.

Supplementary log : I hope she's happy now as I've delivered as promised.
Incremental dissapointment : Getting MPHO tickets are harder than I thought even thought I have the Moolahs
Supplemental Incremental dissapointment : She won't be so pleased once she heard of that news.
Confusing enquiring statement : How do you let go when the subject keep reoccuring itself. Agghg I need to help myself?
Universal Law: Time will tell
Daryanism Law : I don't regret, I live by my own code and principals.
Daryanism Quote: The path of not regretting is to do things your way, The way of what your heart and mind tell you to do.

Yes I've finally overhaul my much neglected website. Good ridance. Please ignore the Pink Fonts, I will CHANGE it.

ANd for those of you readers out there, please I mean please take note. I'm Single! so I'm no longer someone BF that you all think I'am. So please leave her alone from all speculations and rumours, you want the truth ? Please go ask her yourself and spare everyone the humiliation and confusion there is.

Thank you

Monday, June 06, 2005

More testing Posted by Hello

Testing ,some overhaul in progress Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 04, 2005

A few little things about me

Sometimes I feel I just try a little too hard, think a little too much, have lack a certain amount of information but not enough to stop me from taking action or set things in motion.

To take that leap of faith, whumm is the grass really greener on the other side?
Maybe I should just "let things flow" like I always do . But I'm not the type to just sit there and do nothing when in fact I can.

jeez damn a lot of lucky people out there. Enjoy your fortunes for fortunes don't come easy. we shall see indeed.

It's the beginning of the second half , and I seem to be getting more backlogged on my personal life and goals. Damn.

Maybe it's not a good idea after all,
I should really weight the pros and cons ,
then again like I said i'm thinkinh too much agian

aGhhghG! (Starts banging head on the laptop again and again..)

(after a few hundered knocks,)
And I'm gone gone gone, let me dance away while im touching tomorrow, and I'm gone like i'm dancing with angels, like a dead-man walking.

p/s nope im not drunk/stone or anything.

As I promised a snapshot of Shanghai where I was there recently under Business. Posted by Hello

The tall building behind it is called "Tomorrows Square" where I stayed for cclose to two weeks. The shorter Square building is the Shanghai Imperial Theatre where I watched the China Adaptation of Swan Lake ballet.

Below are other photos of the golden years of Leo. Brings back good memories.

Was it year 2001? Wei Chang was still in the club. BOD of year 2001 or was it 2002, whumm nah 2001. Posted by Hello

More Leo Stuff, Alpha Joint install 1999 perhaps?. Look How young Yee Kuan is! and thin too! Posted by Hello

Rub a Dub Dub 5 guys in a tub, yup good old Leo Days year 2000, first time our club won Top everything for that year!. It's in KK and were in the suite! Posted by Hello

Friday, June 03, 2005

It is indeed a Scary small World..

Just discovered that 2 of my colleagues at work are somehow directly related to people I know. From the Leo Club/Brats or just PJ people I generally hanged out with.

I always believed a certain senseof secretcy is needed in a company for ones protection.
Luckily there aren't in the same sub-dvision or division as me although in the same department.

Scary it is.