Shadowlight Returns :: The Light Beyond The Shadows 2.3b The Light beyond the Shadows: 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004

Friday, July 30, 2004

Hello Hello!!

Need inspiration to blog!!
Need SLeep!!
Need to go out more!!
Need more Sleep!!
Need to watch more movies!!
Need to Sleep!!


Wednesday, July 28, 2004

   You know what? I've stopped my blog but people are still coming to visit.
or maybe I'm weird!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2004



         I have an announcement, to make I shall withdraw from the world of martial arts and its like and meditate in seclusion for an indefinite time.

Since this will be my last blog for quiete sometime,

I would like to attend my thanks and gratitude to all my blogging friends who have made this blog a success , if it weren't for your encouragement and backing this wouldn't be here today.

For those bloggers who restarted blogging after a while, Congrats and welcome back, for bloggers who wished to stop blogging please don't. Don't be like me.

For all my readers ,both accidental, through links and regular readers I also can't thank you enough and Am sorry to dissapoint you guy and gals, yes I'm sure some of you know me in real life too.,,,

This is really touching,,,but it's so hard to let go off a blog especially if it contains so much memories, good and bad.

Thanks again everyone, I'll deffinitely continue to read blogs.,..

I shall make my leave now,

May all your endeavours be successful in the future and be bless by god.

Yours Sincerely,

Daryan Toh Kheng Leng 






             Da Conclusion!!
Ok I know it's been delayed .
To make a short story shorter.
Basically after computer forensic came to the scene. Yes computer forensics like C.S.I Except CSI is human biological forensic.
They discovered the source came from a lone test PC that nobody or hardly anyone knew about it's existent on one of the floors except the floor occupants.
That PC has been neglected because it's  Antivirus software expired in year 1999 and it was mcafree antivirus,
the company has migrated antivirus software twice since then.
SOOOoo head are going to roll, blood are going to spill, luckily from me I'm not in thel ine of fire at all!!
The source of the infestation came internally, so we can't ruled out sabotage now can we?


Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Busy Busy UGhHhhhhhhhhhhhhh
 Ya Ya I know I promise to continue the updates on the Virus attack.
 BUt UggHGhG busy busy UHhgGhG getting busierr UGgHgHgHGhg amybe interview with PM? UGhGhGhGh
Dieded (if such a word exist and most likely it did not)

Thursday, July 15, 2004


sUPREME commander the IT director said in the Warroom(used to be known as the Data center) with a briefing of around 40++ IT Shock troopers.

"I want the capability immediately to isolate and lockdown all communication from every subnet and Site" . We will find that bugger isolate it and go in for the kill!"

to be continuedDdDddD..

Tuesday, July 13, 2004


Ok Ok I was happily doing my morning work chores, you know
Analyzing data packets, writing operational reports and logging daily work schedules.

Then mr.Da big IT directors came in stomping into the datacentre saying Very loudly

"Everyone!!! Stop everything you're doing. We have an OUTBREAK!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yes it was an outbreak a computer virus outbreak that the anti-virus softwares, not one but two softwares cannot detect or even cure!!!!.

Mr.Da big also went to the toilet and ohllered all IT staff to come out.

So it was a scene like WHO RRET (Rapid Response Epidemic Team), Everyone in the data centre except 2 (just to answer the endless ring of phone calls) the rest say 4o ++ people were organized into "Strike groups" to sweep floor by floor with the solution to the virus.
One thing

1) The virus effected all known PC's (and until now we still don't know the source/agent/carrier of the PC.)

2) The virus kept on restarting your PC non stop till your Windows crash permanently!! YEs BLue Screen

3)Microsoft have no idea whatit is.

4)And the solution we installed ( a patch to log the virus from exploiting the RPC service, the service that restarts your pc continously) was wrong and we did not know till noon!!, So we had to go all the 1-30 floors again!

5) The virus or rather a worm (a worm is a sub-type of virus that replicated and spread without human intervention) is very smart, it bypases 2 anti-virus software scanners (rendering those 2 software a waste of hard disk space) and tells the other PC (its intended target to reboot continously till it goes to PC heaven).

6) So we need to kill/cure the PC that is the source of this virus! But the problem is, NOBODY knows where it is and it continued to lay siege to this comapny (named with held for privacy) thereby immobilizing and paralyzing all operations!. Of course all the non-IT staff were damn happy as they can't do anything(do work) and lepak ther whole day, while we IT staff has converted the data centre as a WAR ROOM and per say enforced a state of emergency!.

7)Another thing the PC that are rebooting continously has not a trace of the virus,(the pc is just a victim),So we spoof (monitor) the tcp/ip packets(langugage or medium in which computer communicates in the network) in the network to trace the source of the command to make the PC reboots, buT the source of the ip address is spoof (fake!), so were still back at square 1!

8) Were gonna die tommorrow aGHGHG!

p/s the patch just blogs off all outside communication to the RPC service, to stop the pc from restarting.


Tuesday, July 06, 2004

for what?!

For what?
What is a SO? For?
Is it,
a) To give more stress?
b) To give more problems?
c) Make matter worse when it is bad enough already?

All of the above
Double Whammy!

So is is this Thursday Da next mircosoft EXAM!! "Bong Bong BononononnngGgGgGG". Well but that's not only it!! There's also da MEdical EXAM!!!! nope I'm not studying to be a doctor but it's rhe "physical exam". So upon passing that (I hope) I'll officially be able to Hoppity hoppity hop hop to greener pasteurs (well it seems greener from here anyway).

And I'll get my next Cert and lapel\collar pin from microsoft if I do!! Yippee yippeee..
hUsh hush
bleah need more sleep.

p/s Can a non-singaporean act or become almost like a singaporean but still yet not a singaporean?
Ok no puns or discrimination intended , just food for thought with someone I know from Oz. and i's not Da Gal from Oz it's the other gal from oz. Yes the one that is scared of felines, no prizes who guessing who though.