Shadowlight Returns :: The Light Beyond The Shadows 2.3b The Light beyond the Shadows: 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

First day of the Exxonfront tour of duty.

Yup yup after my shore leave of a week or so, I'll be back on my feet to the new battle front in my next tour of duty. I'll be transferring from the System strike team to the Network Assault Team.

yes sireeee It's still not a front line battalion but the action can be pretty intense at times too.

Wish me luck.
Over and out

Friday, August 27, 2004

oF Porn Stars and postmans!

Here's what my friend from Nebraska said in a mamak store recently after working for 3 months back in the motherland!

CL: AgHgHgHg I'm still in reverse culture shock!! I hate my job! I hate my boss and the only thing we agree on is that we disagree with each others!! AgHG (wailsSssSsS)

Moi: Ok so what do you want to do? what's your dream job?

CL : I want to be a Porn StaR!

Moi OkKkkKkkKKkkk

On another note, microsoft being da biggest company in the world can't even prevent by Microsoft Cert (which I have work my butt off for half a year to get) from getting lost in the Snail Mail system!!

agHgHGhGhG oh well at least they are willing to send another one.


Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Tons of stuff to do, but heck im on holiday?!?

"Let the rebels begin and the fire started"
"Were dancing for the lonely and the broken hearted"
UgHHH so many things to do, but i'm on holiday!!

Dang need more time

Sunday, August 22, 2004


ughh turbulence, like the kind when your flying through air pockets in the sky, except this is life.!!!

OUch ahH hihi UUOuuu AhHH iiek iie k Ack Hacckcck!

Air turbulence!

Sunday, August 15, 2004


oK iT'S LIKE this see, complicated you see (yes we do know everything is complicated), "So live with it" quoted from someone I know . But now I'm in Limbo, as too whether I should saYyy go to Oz (no real confirmation yet, so all plans halted in limbo), all should I utilize my WINDOW to finish off (if possible *gulp*) another 2 Microsoft Exams and be MCSE!!!!!!

Whumm temping but me be in limbo, but hay either which way I'll be on holiday soon nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk,,..
and I don't mind spending all day , sleeping ,playing computer games ans watching movie and living the bump for one week, and maybe go for lunch sorties.

AhHhhhHhhh but the call to travel, me love to travel, but the problem is I like to plan plan plan, travel.
yes yes you seEe so MOI can maximize TIME, see more places, taste more grass, smell more weird smelling stuff and gobble down chicken that does not taste like chicken and fish that taste like chicken... whumm ok disregard what I just said.




Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Da moveEeEEeeEee

So Da move is SET!!! Yup me gonna move. But the question is in between move should I go? Go go go to OZZZ? MOoOOOOoO? or sleep sleep ZzZZzzzZZz and play game game.

AisaYyYYYyyyyy so confusing, well at least me getting some MooOolah.


Sunday, August 08, 2004

The push had begun

So now it is the time to push for it is the time to PUSH!!!, Da time to MOVE. To MOve to the unknown shadows of the mind of the other side, of greener pasteurs, To see the silhoutte of the midnight moon in fable lands of pleasure and rest. Or is it just the images of my mind on a more barren and desolate volcanic space that is for worse thsn my mediocre land.

Time will tell,
Time will always tell,
For time had told since the beginning of time and it shall be till the end of time!


Tuesday, August 03, 2004


Yes lady and gentleman it is a warzone!!!!. I have 2 days to solve 3 X-files related to the Network in the WArzone.

Solved 2 already!! one was easy(through proper troubleshooting procedure) one was by plain trial and error (i was lucky, perod lucky, we tried something unconventional and it worked.. thank you so much Microsoft for your extremely useful tip, am I being sarcastic)

And the biggest X-files of all that has been plaguing EVERYONE in the warzone has yet to be solved heck even the cause!!

Wish my luck!!!!

(soon to be MCSE)