Shadowlight Returns :: The Light Beyond The Shadows 2.3b The Light beyond the Shadows: 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003

Friday, October 31, 2003

Sunset Melody

Well a lot of things had been happening. Decisions decisions, decisions of a lifetime, decisions that will eventually chose a path for my life which we know that there is no going back.
Got called for a second interview next week, been to a lot of interview this week. AhHHhHhhhhhhhhhh life.

A jerk woke me up to view life in a very different perspective a few minutes ago.... .. a wake up call more like it on what life , how meaningful life is.


Tuesday, October 28, 2003

The left or the right

Ok So What Do I do now when I'm offered a job that has nothing to do with my degree with modest but accepatable pay?

a) GO for it
b) Continue to apply for more jobs (I still got another interview tomorrow)
c)Heck with it and go for masters?

Ughhhh gee big headache.

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Melodies of Life

Let's see its 4.20 am Hk/Sing/Taiw/Malaysian time. So what am I doing up so late?

Beats me, attended 2 b'day batch today,
and all I can recall are in my dearest memories are scenes of De Ja VU and voices from the past.

So it goes again like a never ending melody as I tweak my resume and a handful of cover letters in front of Da pc. please take note PC and not Ah Dah. PC as in computer.
Thank you.

Oh well wait tomorrow is already today? Does that make sense?
OK I probably need some sleep a friend from LExington said I'm probably still awake because my bio-clock hasn't completely recovered.

And So it goes on and on..ZzzZzzZzZzZzZzZzzZzZzzzzzzz all of the sudden I'm not to keen on a master nor to keen on a job. But there was a time when I was very keen on both of them (not at once of course)

oh well the future awaits.. whatever it is.
Kinda like watching a movie and see where fate brings the character too.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

A rerun

so What Can I say? If IBM is IBM then Mesiniaga is MAlaysia own IBM. Technically they are IBM (ex employees),
Anyway the whole session was about the same, a boring IQ test, maths test ,english test (2 essay around 1k words each ) and an interview.

The questions weren't that hard but the problem is by the time I got to the Maths exam I was so tired I probably miss a few questions that on different circumstances wouyld habe been solved by me easily

reminds me of the Vsouce exam but their listening comprehension exam was the last and I sort of slightly drifted costing me some questions..

I'm not talking about 1 exam here I'm talking about 3-4 papers administered continously over a span of 4-6 hours,..
and this is only the first filtering (technically the first filtering was the resume but they stil lcall it the first)
If I do survive their wil lbe the 2nd and 3rd.


Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Here we go again

Tomorrow I'll have an interview in Mesiniaga, uhuh a firm created by ex IBMers.... so is it good, probably but I sure know its a big comapny since they made their own building.
I had this feeling I was a little underqualified for the job but they did called me out for an interview so I guess I should go.

oh well we'll see

Monday, October 20, 2003

There goes a lot of letters

OK 2nd wave of Da Job application has been launched. How about sending 20++ resumes in one day through e-mail and also snail mail?.
"""One Word""

Some lady in the makret thought I was appling for shares with that amount of letters? S
SOooooo??Na Da

Been introduced to yesterday.
Very reluctant to get into it. It'll probably die off like e-circles in a year or two time. Thats what happened to 2-4 ecircle or friendster network friends get together cyber connection forum handout if you called it that way.

Oh well, since a lot of people I know are there why not.


Saturday, October 18, 2003

In search...

After some intense discussion with various characters whom are genuinely concern about all came down to a common notion. I'm deffinitely in need of some heavy soul searching.
So where do I begin????? Probably somewhere in seclusion.

"Things are never as simple as it seems, or is it?"

"What's beneath the mask?"

"Are you who you really are?"

"What do you see yourself in 10 years time?"

"The problems generally lies within and most people would prefer to blame it on external factors, isn't it?"

"Life is like a quantum cycle it's never static."

" Every year there's always something that makes you feel like shit..every single year"

"Know your true self,you are one step upper than the rest"

"If your self-esteem,self-confidence,self-pride and self-image are non existent then that's really bad"

Any other comments?


Friday, October 17, 2003

Da Day

dumb dumn dumb
Pose the same question to someother person , the question about integrity.

It seems she isn't suprise if she does the samething what other people did.
So much of what I thought about her own integrity.

WOooooo Linkin paRK...ouchH Hot.....Wet...... Stinky and sticky.
A gal actually fainted in front of me due to suffocation and if you were a bit shorter than me you probably wouldn't be able to see the stage at all.

Next in line Jazz concert...aHhhhhhhHhHhhh that's something.

Been drinking whiskey and Brandy lately because of a friend.. it seems he was wrong to trust her that deep in the relationship...sigh
poor guy


Monday, October 13, 2003

The sad part

To keep it short and simple.
There's nothing more dissapointing then having someone preach a certain standard but doesn't practice it and expects you to do it.

Truly sad and dissapointing.

p/s Aghtghggggg know what ? I've overided my own previous blog entry.
Crap. Won't bother writing it again

Friday, October 10, 2003

Sick sick ">______<"

ughh I'm sick I'm sick sick...... ... got high fever for two days... .......ughhhhh maybe had denggi but doctor say nope.

cough cough cough wheezeEeeeeee.......... ughhhhh ughhhhh felt like i'm coughing my internal organs out and swallowing it back him.
Ok it's a bit gross... but when I'm in bed and sedated by a lineup of drugs for 48 will YOU will SEE Thingsss.. what know Thingss....
Yes those things!!! ahh ahh i'm not scaring you ..things like

FLYING PIGS and andd and the worse of them all..........gulp gulp.



Monday, October 06, 2003

aHHHH FINALLy i Can Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Moooooooooooooooooooo Yessssssssssssssssssss they went back to the land of Wan Tan mee (HK)
Now Moi can finally get some contended sleep and grass to munch on....

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Whumm I think im getting a sore throat how does a cow with a sore throat sounds like when it Moos?

like this?


Wednesday, October 01, 2003

HK leos HK Leos

Ughh they are here they are here..ok tired tired,, more to go tomorrow UghHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh here we go go go go go go go go go go go go.

I'm a typical human, throw him the wing and then he wants the drumstick also.

Since I got the offer letter to do masters in New mexico somehow I'm hoping that i'll also be accepted in New Orleans also..badd
moi only human